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Chairman: Frantz Previlon

Roles and Responsibilities:

·        Be chief spokesperson

·       Presides over meetings

·       Presides over all votes

·       Protects the assembly from frivolousness

·       Decides on questions of order

·       Provides positive motivation and morale for membership and officers


Co-Chairman: Mistral Jules

Roles and Responsibilities:

In the absence of the Chairman, or in the event of disability, the Executive Co-Chairman assumes the   function of the Chairman


Treasurer: Joel Dugar Racine

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Be responsible for managing the finances and the family reunion account, overseeing how the funds are spent

  • Present a financial Treasurers Report for all expenses related to the family reunion



Secretary: Magalie C. Andre

Roles and Responsibilities:

·       Is custodian of records and minutes of meetings and proceedings

·       Is next in line as presiding officer in the absence of the Chairman and other Co-Chairman

·       Must be present on 95% of meetings ( from the beginning to the end of each meetings)



Assistant Secretary: Geraldine J. Sigue

Roles and Responsibilities:

In the absence of the Secretary, or in the event of disability, the Assistant Secretary  assumes the function of the Secretary



Registration Committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

·         Facilitate registration during the Reunion

·         Create and maintain database registered attendees



Accommodations committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • This committee is largely responsible for researching hotels in the city that you are holding your reunion.

  •  The research should help them narrow the choices of hotels down to a manageable amount based on your family reunion needs.


Communications committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities

  • The person handling this committee needs to have two very important qualities.

  • They have to be outgoing enough to be able to contact and talk to the entire family and have to be savvy enough with the computer to be able to set up websites, brochures, and surveys

  • You may have to split the duties between two people in order to accomplish all the tasks that will be assigned to this committee

  • In addition to maintaining a family database, this group of volunteers will also be responsible for setting up and maintaining a website, and designing flyers..


Catering committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities

  • This person  is responsible for researching and deciding upon a suitable location for a banquet.

  • In addition, they will be selecting caterers, negotiating pricing, and attending to the details of the banquet itself.


Transportation committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • This group of volunteers will  be responsible for setting up the transportation from the airport, bus, and train station to the hotel.

  • In addition, they will also be responsible for negotiating any additional transportation needs from the hotel to nearby attractions. In this case, the transportation committee would rent out a bus that would pick up and drop off your entire group.


Entertainment/activities committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • This committee would be responsible for arranging DJs, clowns, and activities that your family can take part in.

  • If one of the activities during a family reunion is to attend a Broadway show, this group would arrange for the tickets and negotiate group rates.

  • They can also be responsible for recruiting volunteers to help with the games and activities..


Set up/cleanup committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • This person would be responsible a crew of people that will help with the registrations, setting up, decorations, signage, clean up.

  • He / she  is responsible for making sure that all the planning everyone else is doing comes to fruition during the actual reunion.


Genealogy committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • This person is responsible for researching family history, setting up a family tree, and doing various presentations that highlight the past.

  • He / She is responsible for updates, good news, etc. with the family…marriages, anniversaries, births, promotions, graduations, scholarships, honor roll and deceased.

Welcoming committee: Open Position

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • To be at the Entrance, a table or the front desk of  the hotel or reception place to welcome family reunion attendees.

  • The Checking-In and welcoming table should consist of welcome packets (Maps, coupons, directions to local attractions), name badges, and a family reunion agenda.

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